Every lessons comes complete with PowerPoint and differentiated resources.
Lesson 1 - Introduction to Key Figures
Lesson 2 - Mother Theresa
Lesson 3 - Nicky Cruz
Lesson 4 - Martin Luther King
Lesson 5 - Oscar Romero
Lesson 1 - Who was Jesus?
Lesson 2 - Parables of Jesus
These lessons are suitable for all of KS3 and lesson 2 comes with both lower and higher ability versions plus differentiated resources.
Lesson 5 - Aztec beliefs about the afterlife
Lesson 6 - Final assessment
Lesson 7- Assessment review
Lesson 5 is designed for mixed ability Year 8 classes but comes complete with differentiation for SEN, EAL and G&T.
Lesson 7 - Muslim beliefs about Jesus
Lesson 8 - Assessment - Who was Jesus?
These lessons are suitable for all of KS3. Lesson 7 comes with lower and higher ability versions plus differentiated resources.
A set of 7 differentiated lessons including assessment. A Scheme of Work, Unit rationale, display extension materials and student progress sheet are also included.
Lesson 1 - Are we physical and spiritual? Introductory lesson to the concept of the soul and life after death.
Lesson 2 - Christian beliefs about heaven, hell and purgatory.
Both lessons are designed for mixed ability Year 8 classes but come complete with differentiation for SEN, EAL and G&T.
Lesson 1 and 2 also come complete with a Scheme of Work, Unit rationale, extension tasks for display and a student progress sheet for the whole unit.
A KS3 lesson exploring the debate to whether religion is a cohesive or divisive force in the world. This could be spread over two or three lessons. Students thoroughly enjoy the investigation as it involves aliens!
A series of lessons designed for Year 9 exploring the theme 'why is there evil?' Worksheets e.g. source analysis can be found in the PPT's for printing.
Please note - The evil project (project-based learning approach) could take place before the final written assessment and the group work can take place over 2-4 lessons. Please e-mail me if you would like to use the resources I used for the Evil Project Source Packs. These included additional information for students on Buddhist, Sikh and Hindu explanations of evil.
Lesson 1 - What is Evil?
Lesson 2 - Christianity and Evil
Lesson 3 - Christianity and Dealing with Evil
Lesson 4 - Islam and Evil
Lesson 5 - Assessment
Lesson 6-8 - Evil Project
Lesson 5 - The death of Jesus
Lesson 6 - Jewish Messiah
These lessons are suitable for all of KS3. Both lessons 5 and 6 come with lower and higher ability versions plus differentiated resources.
Lesson 3 - Miracles of Jesus
Lesson 4 - The Garden of Gethsamane
These lessons are suitable for all of KS3. Both lessons 3 and 4 come with differentiated resources.
Lesson 1 - Who was Jesus?
Lesson 2 - The Parables of Jesus
Lesson 3 - The Miracles of Jesus
Lesson 4 - The Garden of Gethsamane
Lesson 5 - The Death of Jesus
Lesson 6 - Jewish Messiah
Lesson 7 - Muslim beliefs about Jesus
Lesson 8 - Assessment - Who was Jesus?